About Our Beginnings...

My photo
Hiro was born January 17th at 12:07 am at Kaiser hospital, 48 hours after the water broke. It was a natural birth, and a very positive experience. Judah was born January 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm 7 hours after the water broke. Judah was delivered at Andaluz Waterbirth center, which was a completely magical experience that we highly recommend to anyone having a normal healthy pregnancy. Malakai was born on December 23, 2011 after three days of inactive labor labor and three hours of active labor (three hours after the water broke). Kai was born at Andaluz as well, this time in "Sienna" the red room. It was a relaxing and delightful way to spend our first Christmas with Malakai.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sibling Christmas Party 2009

This year marks the 5th annual sibling Christmas party where the Iwata kids give each other time together instead of presents. This year Sarah and Arian hosted at Arian's loft on trendy Alberta St in Portland. The Loft was a great party environment and the food was scrumptious! This year we did a Chinese themed meal (Mmm!)

Our hard working host and hostess, Arian and Sarah.
Erin and Judah (Nat's hands)

The lovely Emiko Hall
The beautiful meal table
All of us posing for a pictures.
Merry Christmas 2009!

Here's a short clip of some of the evening. It was a very relaxing night.

Tree Decorating 2009

For the past 5 years we have made it a tradition to go to Sleighbells in Sherwood to get our tree. This year we went with our wonderful neighbors the Hays family, and Erin's parents.

Nat, Erin, and baby Judah.

Hiro with Papa and "Bamma"
Hiro decorating the tree for the first time.
Hiro giving little Judah kisses.
The tree completed

Judah...Almost here!

It is December and we are ready for Judah to make his grand entrance!
A lot is different about this pregnancy. Erin feels pretty good, about the same as with Hiro. The biggest difference is that we chose to see a group of midwives outside of the hospital system. We will be delivering at a birthing center in Portland called Andaluz. We have been very impressed with the care and think the attention we received is superior to what we experienced with Hiro.
Erin has been working out (prenatal deep-water aerobics) throughout her pregnancy, and her nutrition under the guidance of her midwives has been better -more informed.
We are excited to have the opportunity to deliver Judah in water. We hope to document the whole thing and post discrete pictures when we can!
Right now we are just counting down the days until his arrival!

Mommy and Judah at 37 weeks

Hiro and his little brother

Thanksgiving 2009

Johnson Thanksgiving 2009
The day before Thanksgiving, Papa (Marc Johnson, Erin's dad) returned from Sierra Leone.
The thanksgiving table was decorated in African style.
It was so good to have him back and hear of his travels!


Whenever it gets too quiet around our house, we know the kids are up to something.
At thanksgiving it got really quiet after the meal and sure enough, MeeAe and Hiro, partner's in crime were trying to unlock the door to go visit the horsey's by themselves.
Uncle Josh with his youngest daughter Elliana, now one month old!
Talking about Sierra Leone after the meal.

Bamma (Grandma Cheryl) brought puzzles home for Hiro to play with.
He loves them and learns a lot every time he does them!

Jackson -Iwata Thanksgiving 2009
Just one month ago, Nana remarried a nice man named Larry Jackson. He has two children living at home, Vela and Jordan, and this was our first holiday with Nana and Larry hosting. We had a very nice time!
As always, the house was busy with children. It was great to have everyone there...we didn't catch a clear pictures of Gabe or Arian, but it was great seeing them!

Nana (Donna Jackson) and Erin prepping in the kitchen.
Auntie Sarah with Hiro
Hiro being held by Auntie Emiko...thanks for taking pictures Em!
Elowynn and Hiro love to play together!
Noah is such a great big cousin!
Hiro and Vela, Larry's lovely daughter.
Jordan (Larry's son) helps set the Thanksgiving table.
Hiro adores Uncle Drew!
Larry and Nana relaxing after they worked hard on the meal
Here's a video of Hiro over Thanksgiving weekend

Fall 2009...September, October, November

November 2009
In November, we got our new camera, long awaited and researched. Thanks to everyone who donated to Nat's Father's Day and Birthday fund...the money was happily spend on our new Cannon. At this point, Hiro can say any word we tell him. He talks in full sentences, sings songs, and loves to climb! He counts to 10 (sometimes forgetting 7 and 8) and sings the ABC's. He's our running commentary of everything that is going on all the time. He does get a little bit shy in large groups, but brightens up as soon as he feels comfortable.

My naked Cowboy

Bath Time!

Hiro talking on his "phone." He loves to walk around the house talking to his relatives.

In November Erin hosted a shower for her dear friend,
Ashley who is expecting her first little girl in January.
Once or twice a week through their whole pregnancies, Ashley and Erin have gone to deep water aerobics together. It's been so much fun sharing all the excitement with someone else!
We can't wait to meet her baby girl!

October 2009

October was a fun month. We went to the pumpkin patch with Auntie Allison Sparrow, Becca, Josh, and MeeAe. We had our annual pumpkin carving party complete with an old fashion apple cider press (Thanks to Tyler!).
Sorry we don't have any pictures of the pumpkin patch or our party.
Best of all, our newest niece, Elliana Aiko Iwata was born.

Elliana shortly after being born.
She is a fighter! She came early due to restricted growth in the uterus.
She spend two weeks in the NICU. She's a very mellow and content baby girl!
While Becca and Josh were in the hospital with Elliana, we got to spend special time with MeeAe.
We took both kids to the zoo on a cold rainy day. They still had a lot of fun!

Halloween 2009
This year was the first year Hiro could get into trick or treating.
He dressed up as a monster (Thank you Auntie Kim for the costume!)
MeeAe went as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz.
We got to visit our good friends, the Stanley's, Wilson's, and Martin's.
Thanks everybody for the candy!

Here's a video of Hiro playing with Daddy and counting. He's ready for winter!

September 2009
In September we got to take advantage of MeeAe's zoo pass and
took a day trip while the weather was still nice and warm.
We were also able to visit a play group in Vancouver with our friends, Amy and her daughter Brooklyn.
Here is a video of Hiro singing and playing towards the beginning of October.

September is birthday month for the Johnson family! Here's a video clip!