Hiro is now three months old...we can't believe how fast our time with our little one is going! He is growing so fast! Now Hiro enjoys being help up, like he's standing,
trying to blow raspberries, smiling, giggling, and making happy noises. We took a trip to Canon Beach and are trying to take a family day once a week were we have a sabbath and relax together.

There it is, my baby, the gateway to all adventures."

Sandy toes!

Sunny beach weather with daddy!

Our favorite artist in Canon Beach. That is his FIRST sculpture.


Mommy graduated! She couldn't have done it without all the support she got from her family, especially Mamo E.

Standing proud and dressed in his Sunday best!

We're selling Hiro's first house.

Easter Sunday!

Park play date with the cousins.
Hiro is trying to blow raspberries in this photo...very cute!
i love the sandy toes pic! and in your last post, the one of Hiro in your sling at the Oregon coast with coffee in hand.
AAAH!!! I've never seen this video! Hahahahaha!!! He is so freaking cute, I can't even believe it! Ha!
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