1.) Soothie pacifier (http://www.soothie-pacifier.com/)

We never go very far without our soothie! Hiro is a "binkie baby" and loves to suck. These are the only pacifiers that stay in his mouth pretty well.
2.)"Bundle Me" (http://www.kiddopotamus.com)

3.) g daipers ( www.gdiapers.com )
4.)Convertible Carseat.
The other day we ran into a friend with a four month old buying a new car seat because their adorable chunk had outgrown his infant seat. Our small fry would last in even the smallest bucket seat, but we were thankful we won't have to buy another car seat or booster for him, ever.
5.)My Sling (http://www.hotslings.com/)
7.) A close mama and baby to hang out with (www.meeae.blogspot.com)

Even as much fun being a mama is, it's much more fun when I can share it with a like-minded mommy and baby. We are so blessed that Hiro's cousin MeeAe and my sister live so close! Every day with them is a good day.
8.)Biokleen BacOut (http://biokleenhome.com/products/household/general)
Enzymes that eat poo! And pee, spit up, food stains, and dog urine. I love this cleaner. We use it on everything from laundry to carpets. It's a bonus that it's non-toxic and completely baby safe.
9.) A close friend with a baby slightly older baby ( www.bleedingmymind.blogspot.com )

10.)Bath time routine! (http://www.johnsonsbaby.com/sleep/default.html)

11.)Baby Sign Book (https://www.babysigns.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=aboutus.main and http://books.google.com/books?id=F0_BGAAACAAJ&dq=baby+sign+language&lr= )
We know Hiro probably won't be actually returning signs to us until he is 8-10 months old, but we've started signing "Mama" "Dada" and "Milk." He smiles when we sign to him and opens his mouth when I sign "Milk." The idea that our baby will be able to communicate to us before he can talk is very exciting and fun for us already.
12.) Nursing Wrap and Nursing Tanktop (http://www.learningcurve.com/product/detail/Y1879A1?locale=en_US)
Nursing in public is much more comfortable with this lightweight cover for privacy and a tank top that keeps my belly covered. I can't let anything get in the way of feeding my little one!
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