About Our Beginnings...

My photo
Hiro was born January 17th at 12:07 am at Kaiser hospital, 48 hours after the water broke. It was a natural birth, and a very positive experience. Judah was born January 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm 7 hours after the water broke. Judah was delivered at Andaluz Waterbirth center, which was a completely magical experience that we highly recommend to anyone having a normal healthy pregnancy. Malakai was born on December 23, 2011 after three days of inactive labor labor and three hours of active labor (three hours after the water broke). Kai was born at Andaluz as well, this time in "Sienna" the red room. It was a relaxing and delightful way to spend our first Christmas with Malakai.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Three Months

Hiro is now three months old...we can't believe how fast our time with our little one is going! He is growing so fast! Now Hiro enjoys being help up, like he's standing, trying to blow raspberries, smiling, giggling, and making happy noises. We took a trip to Canon Beach and are trying to take a family day once a week were we have a sabbath and relax together.
"There it is, my baby, the gateway to all adventures."

Sandy toes!

Sunny beach weather with daddy!

Our favorite artist in Canon Beach. That is his FIRST sculpture.


Mommy graduated! She couldn't have done it without all the support she got from her family, especially Mamo E.

Standing proud and dressed in his Sunday best!

We're selling Hiro's first house.

Easter Sunday!

Park play date with the cousins.

Hiro is trying to blow raspberries in this photo...very cute!

Mommy's Top 12 List

Here are a few of the things Mommy just can't live without while taking care of baby...

1.) Soothie pacifier (http://www.soothie-pacifier.com/)
We never go very far without our soothie! Hiro is a "binkie baby" and loves to suck. These are the only pacifiers that stay in his mouth pretty well.

2.)"Bundle Me" (http://www.kiddopotamus.com)
This was the best present (thank you Kathy Stanley) I never would have thought to buy myself. We use it every night and nap to keep Hiro warm, bundled, and sleeping longer.

3.) g daipers ( www.gdiapers.com )
I was slightly nauseated when I heard that Americans throw away 18-23 BILLION diapers a year, all which will stay around for the next 500 years. Gdiapers are cute, trim, prevent leaks better then the disposables I've tried, and have flushable inserts that are easy to use when we are on the go. I love 'em!

4.)Convertible Carseat.
The other day we ran into a friend with a four month old buying a new car seat because their adorable chunk had outgrown his infant seat. Our small fry would last in even the smallest bucket seat, but we were thankful we won't have to buy another car seat or booster for him, ever.

5.)My Sling (http://www.hotslings.com/)
It fits in my diaper bag, it's easy to wear, and it's comfortable. I just love being a marsupial mama. Nat prefers the bjorn, and I like it for longer walks or hikes.

7.) A close mama and baby to hang out with (www.meeae.blogspot.com)

Even as much fun being a mama is, it's much more fun when I can share it with a like-minded mommy and baby. We are so blessed that Hiro's cousin MeeAe and my sister live so close! Every day with them is a good day.

8.)Biokleen BacOut (http://biokleenhome.com/products/household/general)
Enzymes that eat poo! And pee, spit up, food stains, and dog urine. I love this cleaner. We use it on everything from laundry to carpets. It's a bonus that it's non-toxic and completely baby safe.

9.) A close friend with a baby slightly older baby ( www.bleedingmymind.blogspot.com )
The cutest (and cheapest) outfits we own are hand-me-downs from sister Sarah's boys! What a blessing to Hiro's style and my pocketbook!

10.)Bath time routine! (http://www.johnsonsbaby.com/sleep/default.html)
Every other night, we get Johnson's Bedtime products, turn up the heat in the house, get Hiro's bath pillow, and fill the tub with soft smelling bubbles. After a warm bath, we take our clean boy into the nursery where we keep the lights low and have lullabyes playing. We massage our boy and sing to him, then bundle him and rock him to sleep. This is one of our favorite family times!

11.)Baby Sign Book (https://www.babysigns.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=aboutus.main and http://books.google.com/books?id=F0_BGAAACAAJ&dq=baby+sign+language&lr= )

We know Hiro probably won't be actually returning signs to us until he is 8-10 months old, but we've started signing "Mama" "Dada" and "Milk." He smiles when we sign to him and opens his mouth when I sign "Milk." The idea that our baby will be able to communicate to us before he can talk is very exciting and fun for us already.

12.) Nursing Wrap and Nursing Tanktop (http://www.learningcurve.com/product/detail/Y1879A1?locale=en_US)
Nursing in public is much more comfortable with this lightweight cover for privacy and a tank top that keeps my belly covered. I can't let anything get in the way of feeding my little one!