About Our Beginnings...

My photo
Hiro was born January 17th at 12:07 am at Kaiser hospital, 48 hours after the water broke. It was a natural birth, and a very positive experience. Judah was born January 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm 7 hours after the water broke. Judah was delivered at Andaluz Waterbirth center, which was a completely magical experience that we highly recommend to anyone having a normal healthy pregnancy. Malakai was born on December 23, 2011 after three days of inactive labor labor and three hours of active labor (three hours after the water broke). Kai was born at Andaluz as well, this time in "Sienna" the red room. It was a relaxing and delightful way to spend our first Christmas with Malakai.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

February 2010

We didn't waste much time after Judah was born to get movin'
Little Judah is an easy going guy, who likes just being with people. Hiro loves his little brother and has been such a big helper! He is fully 2 and let's us know daily. Hiro talks up a storm and loves to be outside. Both boys are such a delight!

Judah's Bath Time
We bathed Hiro almost everyday as part of his evening routine. While we enjoyed the nice bonding time, it was very hard on his skin. With Judah, we have opted to bathe him far less and use only sweet smelling and gentle virgin-coconut oil on his silky smooth skin.

Ellie and Jude
These two cousins enjoy each other's company already!

The feet of Hiro, Elliana, and MeeAe
The happily engaged couple, Auntie Sarah and our future Uncle Arian
Auntie Emiko with baby Judah
Judah catching some early spring sun in his sling
Judah is starting to catch up with Elliana in size!
Patchwork baby
We've really enjoyed hanging out with our friend Celene and her beautiful daughter Aubrielle.
Zoo Time
Thanks to Auntie Becca and Uncle Josh, we have enjoyed several trips to the zoo early this year.

Mae and Hiro enjoying a snack at the zoo.

Cousins lined up in a row!
Hiro, Mae, Gabe and Noah
It was fun being at the zoo with Gabe and Noah!
We got to visit the zoo with Daddy too...what a big red tricycle!
Daddy and Hiro visiting the newest exhibit at the zoo
Hiro loves the new bucky...err, safari truck at the zoo.
MeeAe being her zany self! We adore her!
The rail at the zoo is always a highlight...go figure...
with two year old, all it takes is a rail to hang on to keep them happy for hours!

Polar Bears! Ever since this trip, Hiro has wanted to be a polar bear in the tub and wanted to sleep with his stuffed polar bear as well.
"Whew! That was a long day at the zoo!"
Mae and Hiro relaxing by the fire that Papa Marc built.

Brother Love!
Hiro adores his little brother! Judah loves watching his big brother!
My little giraffe

Family Photo!
Wow, I look really tired in these pictures...oh well, true to life!

We always enjoy the company of Uncle Adam and Auntie Kim!

One of Judah's first meetings with Elaina Jo Siebert
On rainy days, we also like to go to the Children's Museum!
Here are Mae and Hiro face painting.
Such Pals!
I love to dress my little men alike.

In February we got to visit with a dear friend, Andrew Davis.
He played so nicely with our kids! It was a delightful visit!

Photo Session take 1
Trying to capture 2 infants and 2 toddlers...interesting results!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Okay, Mae and Hiro are totally like an old married couple after seeing all of the pics of them together! Love all of the pics you posted! Your family is so precious! Nicely done :)