He's HERE!
Judah Mitsuo Iwata was born 1-1-10 around 1 o'clock.
1:08 pm to be exact.
Erin's water broke at 4:45 am. Within an hour, her contractions were underway. At 6:30 am they called her midwife, Dana. They arrived at the birth center a little after 8 am.
The tub really alleviated the pain of the contractions. Plus, it was a lovely environment...very peaceful!
Erin was in the tub for a total of three hours.
When things really were going, Nat got in the tub with her.
Below is a picture of us very near the end of labor.
Meet our midwife and team:
Tia, on the far left, is a doula who was with me the entire labor.
Dana, the blond one, was my main midwife...I LOVE her!
Sally, on the right, is Dana's apprentice, she's great and helped a lot after Judah was born.
They were all so supportive!

Pushing Judah out...last moments...
First seconds with our son!!!
Nat caught Judah and gave him to Erin. He did such a great job!
Side note: if Judah looks a little blue, your not seeing things...babies born is water retain their color they had in the womb (blue) a little longer because they don't breath oxygen in their lungs until they surface from the water...hence the slight blue color of his skin. Judah was VERY healthy...apgar score of 10 both times!

Totally blissed out Mama!
"Guess what I did today!?!"
Taking a bath together the next day...
We were totally pampered at the birthing center...
We stayed there 2 nights to relax and bond with Judah. It was a complete 5 star experience.
They made us breakfast in bed, ordered lunch and dinner from restaurants of our choice, Erin got a massage, enjoyed the massive tub, and gave us support for any questions we might have. All included in the cost of the birth.
Proud Mommy!
ERIN! You are such an amazing woman! Those pictures capture things so beautifully. I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations you guys! I LOVE your story! I'm going with a birth center this time around, but I don't think they do the pampering thing after birth... darn!
Your pictures are AMAZING too!
This looks like an amazing experience, and the pictures are beautiful. Congratulations on being parents twice over!
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