Johnson Thanksgiving 2009
The day before Thanksgiving, Papa (Marc Johnson, Erin's dad) returned from Sierra Leone.
The thanksgiving table was decorated in African style.
It was so good to have him back and hear of his travels!
Whenever it gets too quiet around our house, we know the kids are up to something.
At thanksgiving it got really quiet after the meal and sure enough, MeeAe and Hiro, partner's in crime were trying to unlock the door to go visit the horsey's by themselves.
Uncle Josh with his youngest daughter Elliana, now one month old!
Talking about Sierra Leone after the meal.
Bamma (Grandma Cheryl) brought puzzles home for Hiro to play with.
He loves them and learns a lot every time he does them!
Jackson -Iwata Thanksgiving 2009
Just one month ago, Nana remarried a nice man named Larry Jackson. He has two children living at home, Vela and Jordan, and this was our first holiday with Nana and Larry hosting. We had a very nice time!
As always, the house was busy with children. It was great to have everyone there...we didn't catch a clear pictures of Gabe or Arian, but it was great seeing them!
Nana (Donna Jackson) and Erin prepping in the kitchen.
Hiro adores Uncle Drew!
Larry and Nana relaxing after they worked hard on the meal
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