About Our Beginnings...

My photo
Hiro was born January 17th at 12:07 am at Kaiser hospital, 48 hours after the water broke. It was a natural birth, and a very positive experience. Judah was born January 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm 7 hours after the water broke. Judah was delivered at Andaluz Waterbirth center, which was a completely magical experience that we highly recommend to anyone having a normal healthy pregnancy. Malakai was born on December 23, 2011 after three days of inactive labor labor and three hours of active labor (three hours after the water broke). Kai was born at Andaluz as well, this time in "Sienna" the red room. It was a relaxing and delightful way to spend our first Christmas with Malakai.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Videos of Hiro at 7 and 8 months

Hiro brushing his teeth all by himself! We are so proud!

MeeAe is such a little mommy and a great big cousin. Here she feeds Hiro a noodle...so cute!

This video is a lot of fun...you hear Hiro's happy scream, and his fake laugh. He sounds like a chipmunk!

In this video, Hiro says "Papa" and sleepy talks. You'll see what we mean!

Here is a lower quality video, but we had to include it because Hiro is having so much fun with his Papa... Grandpa Johnson, that is.

Along with new foods comes lots of messes. Hiro loves yogurt. Look at that eye hand coordination. This was right at 7 months old.

When he turned eight months old, Hiro also conquered stairs. Well...going UP stairs anyway. The first single stair was at Mamo Caroline's house. The following weekend, he went ALL the way up Grandma and Papa Johnson's stairs.

Zoo Videos...
The next two videos are Hiroshi meeting a giraffe for the first time, and another fun mommy and Hiro zoo video. Hope they bring a smile to your face!

Any of you that know Nat, know that he is exceptionally musical. In this video, daddy gives Hiro his first drum lesson.

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