Well, Hiro's 6th month has been filled with many adventures and travels!
We got to visit many friends and family, and Hiro has grown a LOT!
He started eating "real" food, started scooting across the floor, and is trying to say "Mama" in context. It sounds like "Mmmmmm-mamama" and he only says it if he see and wants his Mama to pick him up. He's very interested in his toys now, especially blocks he can hold and bang together. He also clicks, blows fantastic raspberries, gives kisses, and smiles for cameras. What a ham!
He started eating "real" food, started scooting across the floor, and is trying to say "Mama" in context. It sounds like "Mmmmmm-mamama" and he only says it if he see and wants his Mama to pick him up. He's very interested in his toys now, especially blocks he can hold and bang together. He also clicks, blows fantastic raspberries, gives kisses, and smiles for cameras. What a ham!

Hiro drinking from a water glass. If he sees a water glass now, he grunts and reaches for it until he gets a sip.

We've spent a lot of time with friends this month...here are just a few!

Auntie Allison and Hiro on a playdate

Cousin time! This summer has been a great time to catch up with cousins!

Cousin Elowynn and MeeAe, Hiro and Noah.

Saying Good-Bye to Papa
(Great Grandpa Ehrenstein)
One of the things we did while Uncle Mark and John were in town was take Papa Ehrenstein's remains to the Willamette National Cemetery. It was a beautiful place, and a good time to say "Good-bye." We miss papa everyday and wish that Hiro could have met his wonderful great-grandpa who gave him his eyebrows and the expressions we see in him.

Road Trip! Hiro took his first long road trip to Idaho this summer to see Auntie Tahlie and Steve Scammell. We also met their son Evan and baby Eden is on the way!

Thanks for having us, we had a great time!

Family time!
Although we have been very busy trying to support two houses (anyone want a house, both of our are for sale!) we still try to make time for the three of us to get out and relax together. One of our favorite things to do is go explore Portland on foot.

on behalf of the wishardo's, the pics are awesome! we have been waiting and waiting for "My Life as Hiro" to be updated, and finally it comes! no wonder why it wasn't updated - looks like you 3 have been very busy! Hiro is incrediblyyyy cute. Its awesome how you can see both mommy and daddy in him. hope to see you soon... AW
Did I inspire you to update? :-) Miss you guys--haven't seen you much this summer! Let's visit soon! I just can't believe how CUTE Hiro is!
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