About Our Beginnings...

My photo
Hiro was born January 17th at 12:07 am at Kaiser hospital, 48 hours after the water broke. It was a natural birth, and a very positive experience. Judah was born January 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm 7 hours after the water broke. Judah was delivered at Andaluz Waterbirth center, which was a completely magical experience that we highly recommend to anyone having a normal healthy pregnancy. Malakai was born on December 23, 2011 after three days of inactive labor labor and three hours of active labor (three hours after the water broke). Kai was born at Andaluz as well, this time in "Sienna" the red room. It was a relaxing and delightful way to spend our first Christmas with Malakai.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

June Gardening 2010

We did do a garden this year, although it got slightly neglected in the middle of the summer. We had a lot of fun planting, and a fairly good harvest in the end. Hiro and Judah both love being outside. The outdoors is like oxygen to my boys, they need time outside everyday. Hiro was very helpful with removing rocks from the garden and putting our little seedlings into the ground.

Judah loves rollin' around! He started rolling in June.

"Look at my plants!"
Future salad...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

Papa and Grandma Johnson have given Judah and Hiroshi a GREAT gift...
A play-set in their backyard! Not just your run of the mill play set, but a full blown wood playground with a fall zone and everything.
Just one thing, we need to put it all together! We got together and did it together on Memorial Day weekend with the help of Josh and Becca, as well as the Bill and Julie Douglas clan and Mamo (great-grandma Ehrenstein)

BTW...there are more professional pictures of this event on MeeAe and Elliana's blog

Hiro and MeeAe helping screw the climbing wall into place
Our little workers! What great helpers
Papa Marc, thank you for this wonderful gift and a fun weekend together
Moving the play-set to it's final resting place
Lift boy! Lift!

Everyone worked hard, but of coarse, we found plenty of time to goof around too...

Wednesdays with Maino

For a few months now, we have been going over to friend Maino's house. Maino worked with me at Twin Oaks, but now is home with her son Cedarwin. I ran into Maino at Bob's Red Mill. It was a chance meeting, but I think it was meant to be! Hiroshi, Judah, and I have made visits to Maino's a part of our week. It is very relaxing at her house!

We love eating Maino's cooking! It is tasty!

The delicious lunches we have at Maino's

Cedarwin Morimasa (we call him Cedar). He is so handsome!

Judah playing under Maino's mobile. Maino makes many things in her house, all of them very well done and beautiful. She has a great sense of style connected to nature.

We really look forward to our time with Maino.
Maino is teaching Hiro a little bit of Japanese, we always have good conversation, and she inspires me to live more sustain-ably.

Seattle Trip May 2010

Some of our favorite people who we do not see enough of, are Tahlie and Steve Scammell, plus the Fox clan. We don't see them because we live 7 hour apart, them in the lovely resort down of Coeur d'Alene, ID, and us down here in Portland. We try to drive up to see them, or they come down here, a few times a year. With four children between us, the trip has become, well...quite a trip! So this time, we decided to meet in Seattle, Washington, a good half way point for both of us. Steve used his skills to hunt down a great place to stay in Bellevue. We had adjoining rooms, so we put all four children to bed in one room, while all the adults stayed up late into the night catching up.

Uncle Steve and Auntie Tahlie
They are so much fun!
Their lovely daughter Eden
Eden LOVED baby Judah. She is such a sweet little mama!

Their son, Evan.
Evan and Hiro had so much fun together! They played pirates and cars together, kept each other entertained for hours!
Strolling through Pike's Market

Eden and Hiro eating pastries from a fabulous french bakery

The Scammell Family

The Iwata Family
Steve lived in Seattle, so he knows all the great spots.
We got some great pictures from this view point!

We were joined by Gary and Amanda Fox on Saturday. It was great to see them! I call them PapaFox and MamaAmanda, so I think the kids mights adopt those names as well. This couple were formative part of who I am and what I want to become. I am so delighted that my children know them!

Gary helping Hiro and his grandson, Evan, get a drink of water.
Gary is a pastor, citizen of the world, and a great artist.

The guys
Evan, Steve, Gary, Nat, and Hiro
Flying Hiro!

The whole crew
Tahlie, Amanda, Eden, Judah, Nat, Erin, Hiro, Steve, Evan, Gary

It was a wonderful relaxing family weekend

Photo Session Spring 2010

Thank You Auntie Emiko for taking your morning, picking the park and taking our pictures!
We love every minute we get with you!
These are just a few pictures we snapped during the photo session, we'll post Emiko's professional photos soon.

Hiro and his dog, Obie

Daddy Nat and his baby boy
JUMP! Hiro flying!

My little man

Sad Judah, Sad Mommy!

My beautiful niece, MeeAe Grace!

In many ways, MeeAe and Hiro will have each other longer then they will have us around. We hope their friendship and bond grows and grows.