About Our Beginnings...

My photo
Hiro was born January 17th at 12:07 am at Kaiser hospital, 48 hours after the water broke. It was a natural birth, and a very positive experience. Judah was born January 1, 2010 at 1:08 pm 7 hours after the water broke. Judah was delivered at Andaluz Waterbirth center, which was a completely magical experience that we highly recommend to anyone having a normal healthy pregnancy. Malakai was born on December 23, 2011 after three days of inactive labor labor and three hours of active labor (three hours after the water broke). Kai was born at Andaluz as well, this time in "Sienna" the red room. It was a relaxing and delightful way to spend our first Christmas with Malakai.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Month of FIRSTS!

First Birthday Cake

First Winter Hat

First Time Lifting Head on Camera

First Bottle

First Time Wearing a Real Outfit (not PJ's)

First Horsey(?) Ride

First Dr. Appt with Mamo E!

First Nap with Daddy

Pictures of the First Month

Here are some recent pictures of Hiro and family!
Snuggling with Papa
Baby Time! Welcome to the Baby House!
Noah Holding me for the First Time
Elowynn holding me for the first time.

Sleeping close to Nana and Gabe.

Naked Baby!

Staring at Auntie Sarah...I Love Her!

Wearing Daddy's Hoodie! Really, that blue sweatshirt was my dad's!

Hanging out with Poppy at two weeks.

PapaSan and Little BoySan

Happy on Mamas Lap

Checking out cousin MeeAe...I LOVE her! My first smiles were for her and Auntie Becca!

My first visit with Auntie Allison!
A funny face that kind of looks like a smile!

Hiro Joshua Iwata at three weeks old. He got his first party! It was a wonderful shower with local family celebrating Hiro's birth and his heritage. We ate G erman, Swedish, and Japanese food and had a great time! A BIG thankful to everyone who came for their generousity and for celebrating his life with us! A special thank you to grandma Johnson for hosting!

Hiroshi Joshua Iwata and Mommy

Grandpa, Uncle Ryan, Kori, Mommy, and the guest of honor, Hiro!

PapaSan, his sister, Auntie Elenor, and cousin Rachel!

Mommy, Hiro, and cousins Elowynn and Gabe.

Did mommy and Elowynn plan that?

Generations of Mommy's family...

Grandma, Mamo E, Delores the Great, and Mommy.

(Mamo E and Delores the Great are Great grandmas!)

A quilt that Grandma the Great Nelson made for Hiro! How Beautiful!

Auntie Emiko with Cousin MeeAe Grace

Sleeping Through it ALL!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hiro at Two and a Half Weeks

Baby Hiro is hanging out in Uncle Josh's arms. Check out his cute little sneezes.